The Malayan Law Journal is a series of law reports, providing reports of cases from the Federal Court, the Court of Appeal and High Courts. This compendious source gives you full text reports of cases and summaries of judgments in a consistent and reader-friendly style.

1992-2001: The Start of a Digital Era

Early Conversations on Digital Transformation
The use of computers and digital technology along with accessibility to the internet increased in the 1990s and law firms and the academia began relying more on it. The mode of our publication also adapted and this began with the introduction of MLJ in the format of CDs in January 1997.

This also marks the MLJ's continuous efforts to include more academic discussion on the landscape of the legal profession, and accessibility of laws. Below, we reproduce some early commentary on the adoption of technology in legal practice, as well as more generally in the workplace.
Explore the Rich Ninety Year Legacy of the Malayan Law Journal

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